You will agree with us that, if there is a popular tree in the Mediterranean regions, it is the olive tree .Today, to end the week, we bring you a post in which we will talk about one of the varieties of this very common tree, the wild olive
The wild olive is a wild plant that usually has a bushy shape .
It stands out for its rusticity and resistance, which is why it is considered the “ Wild Olive Tree .”
Table of Contents
What is wild olive?

Unlike what happens with most of the species we talk about in this blog , it is likely that “wild olive” is a word that doesn’t sound familiar to you.
What’s more, it would be totally logical that what sounded familiar to you was its scientific name “ Olea europaea var. sylvestris ”.
But what is an olive tree?
The wild olive is an olive tree, a wild variety that has grown in nature without any type of human control.
It is a wild species that has not been cultivated for any purpose.
Today, this wild olive tree is part of our landscape, especially in the Mediterranean regions.
It is common to find it sheltered by holm oaks , carob trees or cork oaks .
The characteristics of the wild
As we have mentioned previously , the wild olive is an olive tree , an olive tree that has grown in nature without any kind of control.
Wild, but an olive tree, after all.
It is common to confuse it with the as it has similar characteristics. However, they have different fruits, leaves and sizes.
The wild olive is a slow-growing species with a bushy appearance . It has intricate branches and a poorly defined trunk.
It can reach several meters in height if it grows away from animals (it serves as food for livestock). Currently, its use as a bonsai has become popular , but we will talk about this later
One of the most characteristic parts of the wild are its leaves. Unlike those of the tree, these are small and thin, very dark green . They remain on the bush throughout the year, even in the dry season (perennials).
The flowers are of no interest, as they are small, grow in axillary clusters and have a yellowish-green hue.
And the fruits?The fruit of the wild olive tree, like those of the olive tree, is known as olives (or acebuchinas ). If after some time an grove is left without cultivating its fruits, they become olive trees.The wild bears fruit in summer.
uses olive
The wild olive has different uses, but the most notable are the following:For many years it has been used as a “ rootstock ” for the cultivation of other varieties .It is a perfect shrub to decorate the garden, thanks in large part to its low maintenance and great resistance. It is common to see it as a bonsai . In one of our articles we had talked about how to care for an olive bonsai , so, if you are interested in this type of plantation, it is your perfect post.
Its leaves have some medicinal properties so they are used for some treatments (reduction in blood pressure, hypoglycemia…).In some areas of the Mediterranean they make wild in Japanese markets it is a very precious commodity more than EVOO and its purpose is cosmetic.
To plant this type of tree, we can choose two seasons: spring or autumn
Spring is a good time if we want to have a long – growing wild tree . But we are more interested in ensuring that our tree does not require extensive maintenance or care, and we do not want large weeds or pests. Sowing in Autumn is a good option. Although we recommend growing in spring . In the rest of the seasons, keeping the wild safe from the elements is much more complicated and its survival is not certain.
Care for an olive tree?

The wild is a resistant and rustic shrub that requires very little maintenance . It is a species that grows in nature without any help, it does not need care beyond the basics.
What you should know regarding its cultivation is the following:
They grow in almost all areas of the Mediterranean climate .
They adapt to practically all soils , even the poorest ones.
Pruning will only be done for plant maintenance in spring.
Compost . In the months of November and March, fertilizer composed of phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium is used.