Brunner Varieties: Planting and Caring for Them in the Open Field

Experienced flower growers often know Brunner, a plant that thrives in shade, doesn’t pose care problems, and beautifully decorates garden areas under tree canopies. In spring, it transforms the landscape with delicate blue flowers, especially when other plants are dormant.

Description Of the Brunner Plant.

A characteristic description of the perennial brunner.The main representatives of the Bruner genus are herbaceous perennials belonging to the borage family. Its characteristic features are large whole leaves.

Many people point out that Bruner looks a lot like forget-me-nots, so its old name, “forget-me-nots,” will be appropriate.

But even Bruner still has larger flowers devoid of characteristic aroma. However, they exhibit an equally striking hue that allows you to enjoy the blue cloud that adorns the lush decorative greenery.

Inflorescences in adult specimens paniculate or corymbose … In the ripening stage, a fruit grows containing four nuts.

Bruner flowering begins in early May. But this lasts no more than a month, and then active leaf formation begins. In favorable years, when a warm autumn occurs, Bruner can produce repeated flowering.

The genus Bruner includes three species, of which only two have received application in landscape design. Large-leaved Bruner (lat. B. macrophylla). This plant is found in the wild in the Caucasus. Adult specimens form a branched stem with a powerful superficial root.

In June, when the burner practically stops flowering, its spreading, leafy stems begin to increase in length, reaching 40 cm. The plant has a characteristic feature: it possesses pubescence, which imparts a rough texture to the touch.

The deciduous mass takes shape at the base of the root, forming an oblong, oval-cordiform structure with a pointed tip. The decorative character endows the leaves with two colors since they have a dark green color and below – grayish. Bruner’s flowers are paniculate-corymbose. The site decorates from April to the first severe frost.

Throughout the growing season, the plant consistently produces new leaves, maintaining its elegant appearance. Bruner garden varieties are particularly appealing due to their wide, variegated heart-shaped leaves.

Siberian Brunner.

Siberian Brunner

Siberian brunner characteristicsThis perennial is common in Altai. It differs not only in its larger size but also in the most spectacular view … In the process of growth, it forms a long rhizome, single stems, and pubescence in some places. It can reach a height of 60 cm.

This plant is not presented as a shrub but rather as dense deciduous thickets. With the last withered flowers, the leaves begin to dry up, acquiring a nondescript appearance due to the dark spots that form on their surface.

At the end of summer, the Siberian brunnera forms new leaves, which adorn the thickets of this variety until the first frost. In nature, this Brunner variety is most often found in shady places with high humidity.

Growing and caring for brunner.

Before tackling brunners you need to choose a location taking into account humidity and shade. Then the plant will subsequently not require much time and effort to care for it.

The most problematic areas of the garden, covered with treetops, are perfect for growing bruners.

If planting is carried out correctly, then in a few weeks they will form dense thickets, suppressing not only weeds but also closely growing cultivated plants. Therefore, when growing bruners, it is necessary to control their thickets.

  1. It is recommended that the Bruner be located in a place illuminated by the sun. In conditions of strong shading, the bruner does not look so attractive, it begins to stretch.
  2. With open access to the sun’s rays, it is imperative to control the humidity of the air and soil. Therefore, a good solution would be to plant it next to a reservoir.
  3. In summer, when the daytime temperature can often rise to + 30 or more when grown in sunny areas, the plant often dies. Therefore, it is best to plant it in moist soil.

Features of care for the Siberian Bruner.

More capricious in this regard is the Siberian brunner, which can grow in moderately humid conditions. If more brunner grows in areas rich in organic matter, this causes long-term foliage growth, which completely breaks its seasonal rhythm of life.

A perennial plant feels uncomfortable if the soil contains too many nutrients. Therefore, in the process of growth, it is necessary to exclude additional feeding , because otherwise, it can lead to a rapid formation of deciduous mass, which does not benefit the plant.

This applies to all fertilizers without exception, and especially to fresh manure. In the process of development of Brunner rhizomes, Siberian forms dense plexuses, which prevents the growth of weeds.

Therefore, it saves the gardener from weeding. All that remains is prunes that have lost their attractive appearance, leaves. Subject to the agricultural technology of planting brunner Siberian, it greatly simplifies its care.

How to Care for a Big Leaf Brunner.

You should use a slightly different cultivation approach in relation to the large-leaved brunner.

  • As it accumulates foliage slowly, Bruner may not effectively suppress weeds. Thus, regular weeding is crucial when cultivating this variety.
  •  Since its rhizomes are near the surface, avoid soil loosening, and there’s no need for watering or fertilizing.
  • In order not to have problems with weeds in summer, before planting, it is necessary to carefully prepare the area for the brunner. If you plan to grow it in open elevated places, then covering the top layer is imperative.
  • In late summer, remove secondary flower stalks to preserve plant vitality and ensure better winter readiness.
  • When tending to mature, overgrown bushes, remember that their rhizomes may surface, exposing the plant’s center. Regular division prevents this issue.

When creating favorable conditions for a perennial plant, you may need to consider transplanting it no earlier than 15 years later.

Brunner’s big leaf is one of those perennial plants that have a high cold resistance, therefore it tolerates frosts down to – 30 degrees Celsius. With the onset of winter, the leaves die.

Therefore, with little snow in winter, the plant needs shelter … You can remove them with the arrival of spring when a stable positive temperature is established. At the same time, they begin to loosen the topsoil.

Playback Methods.

To obtain new large-leaved brunner bushes, you can use the method by sowing seeds and vegetative, which provides for the division of the bush or rhizomes.

The least difficulty arises when using the vegetative method of reproduction, for which rhizome segments with growth shoots are used. After preparing them, you should plant large-leaved brunnera seedlings in the ground at a shallow depth, aiming to position them near the surface.

In some cases, Brunner and sowing seeds allow it to propagate, but this can lead to the fact that certain species, mainly variegated, can lose the original characteristics of the mother plant. Therefore, such forms of brunners can only be propagated using the vegetative method.

Bruner Reproduction by Dividing the Rhizome.

Bruner Reproduction by Dividing the Rhizome.

Brunner can be propagated by the method of dividing the rhizome only after the flower buds of the future period have formed, and this happens only at the end of summer.

Young seedlings take root until autumn and, with proper preparation, tolerate winter well. With the onset of spring, when the weather is favorable, they begin to bloom.

For breeding large-leaved brunners, most often use the bush division method, which is due to the structure of its rhizome, which has a short length and upright arrangement.

You plan to carry out these works in the last month of summer.

  • having dug a bush, it is necessary to ensure that the earthen lump remains intact, after which it is necessary to remove the above-ground part and rinse the roots with water;
  • Furthermore, you should divide a clean bush using a sharp knife, selecting the cutting location with consideration for the natural spread of the roots.
  • After preparing it, it’s advisable to promptly plant the material in its permanent location to prevent the root system from drying out due to prolonged exposure to air
  • While in some cases, spring planting is acceptable, it is crucial to maintain optimal soil moisture throughout the summer.
  • Additionally, on hot days, it’s essential to provide shade for young seedlings using suitable materials.

One should consider Brunner as a suitable ornamental plant for growing in the garden.

Many gardeners appreciate it not only for its decorative qualities but also for unpretentious care … After all, you can plant it in places where all other cultivated plants will not be able to develop normally.

Therefore, with the help of a brunner, you can perfectly fill the areas under the crowns of trees, and here, they can bring additional benefits, as they can effectively combat weeds.