Birch spirea – planting and care

Birch spirea is a perennial hedge plant that is very hardy and can handle heavy loads of snow. It is very easy to maintain and can be placed in all possible parts of the garden.

Scientific name (Latin): Spiraea betulifolia

Family: Rose plants (Rosaceae)

Planting and care birch spirea

Birch spirea is an easy-to-grow and hardy plant that thrives in most areas.


  • Location and light requirements

       Birch spirea thrives just as well in direct sun as in partial shade, although direct sun produces more intense           colors. It is very suitable for growing on slopes, as a hedge or in a group. 

  • Soil

Birch spirea likes to stand in nutrient-rich soil that is rich in loam and at the same time well-drained.  

  • Watering

 Birch spirea does not require a lot of water, but keep in mind that it important to look after it for longer periods.          Moist soil is the best alternative and it must not become too wet, as there is then a risk of fungus forming. 

  • Pruning

The actual pruning or cutting of birch spirea should take place ispring-winter and also during the jas period, the time between June and September. 

Beautiful in the garden

Sometimes the simple can be among the most beautiful that you have. A shrubbery or a hedge with birch spirea can be just such a detail, which for large parts of the year is an unassuming and nice plant, with lovely green leaves that bring to mind birches.

The fine white flowers that sit in bunches welcome the summer in a fantastic way during May and June, and then become a luxuriantly growing hedge that both gives a lovely greenery to the garden and a promise of something more. Because when autumn begins to roll in, this deciduous plant phase shifts and the leaves turn into a massive color explosion of red, yellow and orange colors. 

Birch spirea is a very hardy plant that can withstand most things and is a plant that takes care of itself in many ways and also delivers beautiful environments. It thrives in most soils and also does very well during the winter when the snow settles on the branches. 

Quick facts 

  • Popular ornamental shrub for hedges or shrubbery.
  • White flowers that sit in clusters over a longer period.
  • Found wild and cultivated over large parts of the Northern Hemisphere.
  • Is one of 70 different species of spirea.
  • Gets beautiful autumn colors.
  • Is an E-plant, specially selected to be suitable for the Nordic climate.
  • Grows in zones 1-7.