You will agree with us that the world of trees and shrubs encompasses a very extensive number of types, species or varieties. Evergreen or deciduous, bushy or large specimens, fruit or non-fruit trees. Knowing them all is impossible and we could spend a lifetime listing them.
Today we will talk about evergreen trees. Their characteristics make them perfect for mostly ornamental use. Some will even provide shade and produce fruit. All in one!
In this article we will show you the ten most common and popular perennial trees .
Table of Contents
Types of evergreen trees according to the characteristics of their leaves
Certainly, here’s the information presented in a positive manner:
Before delving fully into each of the species we’re presenting today, it’s helpful to understand what an evergreen tree is, also known as simply “evergreen.”Certainly, here’s the information presented in a positive tone .This enduring quality not only contributes to the beauty of landscapes but also ensures a consistently attractive appearance.
Unlike deciduous
Only a portion of its foliage dies each year.
The youngest shoots survive and become part of the tree, joining the new leaves that appear in spring and the adult ones. The cup will never be seen naked.
This durability and resistance has caused evergreen trees to become so popular in garden ornamentation today.
Broad evergreen
Certainly, here’s the information presented in a positive manner:
This subcategory of evergreen trees stands out for their broader (wider) leaves, which they maintain throughout the year.
Within this specific type, you’ll discover a rich diversity of species, primarily hailing from tropical areas and equatorial regions, adding a vibrant touch to these lush environments.
The 10 most popular evergreen
The mimosa (Acacia baileyana)
Acacia baileyana , known as mimosa , is one of the perennial shrubs most used in garden ornamentation .Its foliage is gray-green.The leaves are approximately 2 cm long and have a shape reminiscent of a feather. Its flowers are bright yellow, very similar to small pompoms.The mimosa blooms in winter.
The cork oak of evergreen
They develop alternately, are simple and leathery. Dark green on the upper surface, lighter on the underside, and with a maximum length of approximately 7 cm.
Its fruit, like the other trees in this family, is the acorn . Currently, there is a large cork exploitation industry.
Cypress evergreen
It can reach 30 meters in height.
Its leaves grow in scale-shaped twigs and are 5 millimeters long.It is a dioecious species in which the flowers are of both genders
evergreen olive tree (Olea europea)
The olive tree is the Mediterranean tree par excellence .
Slow growing , it can reach 10 meters in height.
Its leaves remain on the tree throughout the year, have a leathery texture and are green-gray on the upper side and silver on the underside.
Its white flowers grow in clusters and give off a pleasant smell. The fruits can be oval or rounded, small or large.The carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua)
The carob is a tree up to 10 meters high, dioecious and with evergreen foliage.
Its leaves are dark green, between 10-20 centimeters in length and remain on the tree throughout the year.
The fruit is evergreen
It is a leathery, chestnut pod that contains a rubbery pulp with a sweet and pleasant flavor.
The carob is a resistant tree and a species of great rusticity , slow development and whose fruit production begins after seven or ten years of planting.
Magnolia of
Magnolia grandiflora , commonly known as magnolia or magnolia , is a tree native to the United States widely used in garden decoration. With a height that can reach 30 meters, it is a slow- growing species .
Pyramidal tree highly branched from the base.
Like all of the above, the magnolia has evergreen foliage with alternate, leathery leaves, bright green on the upper surface and rusty iron on the underside.
The flowers of Magnolia grandiflora are large, white and very showy.
Scots pine
The Scots pine is one of the most common trees in the entire northern hemisphere .
Its trunk is thick and orange at the top.
Its leaves are evergreen (they stay green all year round), bluish in color, grow in groups (usually two by two) and are needle-shaped.
The Scots pine is a monoecious species.Its male flowers appear in spikes about 3 cm long made up of individual yellow flowers. This perennial tree is characterized by its rapid growth, its great longevity and its economic importance.
The evergreen cedar
The Cedrus libani or Lebanon cedar is a conifer with evergreen foliage that can reach a height of 40 meters. It has a prominent, columnar trunk, pyramidal crown and its wood is highly appreciated in carpentry.
Its leaves, as we told you, are perennial, needle-shaped (needle), developed in spirals and of an intense green color.
The cedar of Lebanon blooms in autumn.
It is used as an isolated tree and its wood is considered one of the strongest, most durable and most aromatic. In addition, it is the emblem of Lebanon (hence its name).
The bottle tree
We go a little away from our area to tell you about a tree widely cultivated in Australia, the Brachychiton populneus . In Spain, it is usually distributed along the entire coast and the Canary Islands.
Its foliage is evergreen.
These are bright green, whole and long petiolate.
The flowers are bell-shaped and usually pink or pale in color.
The fire tree
It grows very quickly, reaching heights of approximately 20 meters and its crown is ellipsoidal.
Its leaves are perennial, large, compound, dark green on the upper surface and grayish white on the underside.
Blooms in spring.
Its flowers, as its name indicates, have a very intense golden-orange hue . In addition, they are zygomorphic and hermaphrodite.